Louisville Kentucky police shoot and kill man

Louisville, Kentucky police shot and killed a man this week. LMPD officials identified the shooting victim as Corey Antonio Boykin, Jr. Police claimed Boykin had a gun but said they would investigate the incident. Regardless of the outcome of that investigation, the family of people killed by police may have legal claims against the officers involved.

Police shootings often violate the victim’s civil rights. To determine if his rights were violated, a court will examine whether the police officers acted objectively unreasonable in light of the facts and circumstances confronting the officers, without regard to the officers’ underlying intent or motivation. The court analyzes these circumstances from the officers’ perspective. To use deadly force against a fleeing suspect, the officers must have probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others.

Though it is unclear whether police officers violated Boykin’s civil rights, when police officers commit civil rights violations, they should be held accountable. Accountability for police officers protects the public and it protects police officers who act in good faith.

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a police shooting or of excessive force by a Kentucky police officer, Craig Henry PLC offers a free consultation to discuss your situation and advise you of your legal options.

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